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  • Keith, William,
  • Landscape -- Mountain
  • Landscape -- California
  • Western
  • Painting
  • Exhibition Catalog
    The California Alps, (painting).
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    Keith, William, artist.
    The California Alps, (painting).
    Object Type: 
    Exhibition Catalog
    Entry Note: 
    Appears in exhibition catalog as entry no. 91
    [Exhibited under heading: "Catalogue of Paintings."]
    Landscape -- Mountain -- Sierra Nevada Mountains
    Landscape -- California
    San Francisco Art Association (6th Exhibition), San Francisco, California, 1874
    At time of exhibition in the collection of Best, J.T..
    [Catalogue of paintings is preceded by the cast collection of the association, which is indexed in serials 02860001 through 02860083, and has not been repeated in this serial. Catalogue is not paginated.]
    Exhibition catalog is available at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Thomas J. Watson Library, New York, N.y. (aaa).
    Exhibition catalog has been microfilmed by the Archives of American Art, N564: 78-89.
    Exhibition type: General-Classical/General-American
    Catalog Title: 
    Sixth Exhibition, 1874. San Francisco Art Association Catalogue. Price, 25 cts.
    The Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index is a historical record of artworks exhibited in the United States and Canada up through the Centennial year of 1876. Information is recorded as given in each exhibition catalog.
    Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index, Smithsonian American Art Museum, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 970, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012
    Control Number: 
    AECI 03970086
    Copy/Holding information
    Smithsonian AmericanArt MuseumControl No. 
    Pre-1877 Art Exhibition Catalogue Index03970086Add Copy to MyList

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